Index of Abbreviations

LT - Left Turn
RT - Right Turn
BD - Belly Down
PED - Pedestal
F - Female
M - Male
XM - Closed Mouth
OM - Open Mouth
XG - Closed Gill
OG - Open Gill


TU - Turn Up
TD - Turn Down
ST - Straight
SA - Swimming Action
EA - Extreme Action
LGT - Length (tip of nose to tip of tail)
WGT - Weight EYE - (listed in millimeters)
GTH - Girth (measured behind pectoral fin)
DESC - Description
T - Truck Shipments


$8.50/inch Blank
$11.95/inch Paint Ready
$15.95/inch Customer Ready (CR) - Wall Mount  
"2-Sided" (360 degree) Finished - add $2/inch to CR  
NOTE: Fish below 20" Length Add $1/inch  
$100 Minimum/Fish